I wanted to make the perfect, classic, dress for Audrey's first birthday to have her portrait taken in and I think this is really it! This "Molly" Jaeger pattern is so beautiful. I actually bought the #225 (Scarves & More) booklet for the "Polly" pattern (little knit tank dress) but then saw this and added it to my mental list to do.

I love the single button in back, and the rich texture in the skirt. Looks like cabling but it's a bunch of yarn-overs and knits together.

I used a mercenized cotton yarn in a light taupe and matching satin ribbon. I had to undo my work a few times on the first side of this project but it got easier. I'm sure there are many mistakes but luckily the pattern obscures them!
My husband, David, took the above shot of Audrey as she accidentally tumbled down the hill. It is so perfectly summer and childhood and my little girl all at once. I love it. It's so beautiful. I plan to have Audrey's one year portrait taken in this dress, but really can't imagine getting a shot better than this:

The pattern for this adorable little dress is now a "Berroco" pattern. Everything remains the same...Scarves & More #225 by Berroco.
@Anonymous: Interesting! I remember a yarn stockist telling me this pattern was going out of print... I'm glad to hear it's available. It's such a beautiful dress! Thanks.
I miss looking for pattern for molly 225 .1 year old dress.
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