Not a lot has changed since her crib was here. I found more of the fabrics used in her crib bedding (I love them!) and made the duvet cover, shams, bed skirt and polka dot pillow cases. I can't believe I didn't think of buying more fabric originally since the chair is covered to match so I felt really luck to still find it.

This rug is from Anthropologie. I was so happy to find it. I know you are supposed to start a room with the floor, including rug, but it was one of the last things I decided on and it was difficult to find something to work with the other patterns. I lucked out. Plus it's a soft wool--great for little bare feet.

This built in closet is all new and it is a dream! I am so excited about it. Previously this space was a couple hinged doors and one clothing rod--not at all a good use of space. Now we have 36" deep drawers for clothes and toys, and I have double hung closet space. I decided to add the cubbies above rather than have a top shelf inside the closet or hang the rods too high to reach. I think it's nice to have a little display area and will work well as bookshelves when Audrey is older.
This little collection of things includes my matroyshka, which my parents brought me from Romania when I was 5 or 6, an antique teapot that was my mothers, and this funny glass bunny I found in a card store of all places--good colors for the room.

My parents bought these Hans Christian Andersen prints in Denmark when we were living in Germany and they were always hung somewhere in our home. I like giving them a spot in Audrey's room and they've proved useful for bedtime--she has me sing songs about them, which I can never remember the same way twice, but she just corrects me.

And this is my "Barberini Bee" from a series I painted in college. I did them with blue and beige backgrounds too, and those are hanging in my sister's home. I saw this bee as a bas relief on the base of a sculpture during my Italy art history trip and loved it. I still love the form. Sometime I'll do some more.