When I found out I was expecting a baby girl I was so excited about crocheting this old fashioned layette for her (among a long list of other things, including some of the beautiful things I ran out of time to do for Audrey)! My good friend, Sue, crocheted this for her granddaughter and I thought it was so classic. So I've had the pattern stashed away just in case.

The pattern is from a Family Circle Easy Crochet magazine (Spring/Summer 2007). I used it for the sweater and bonnet. Sue is making the matching blanket as a gift for me (I'm too impatient about crossing projects off my list to tackle a blanket). I made the booties from a Martha Stewart
pattern and added the shell edging on the tops. I love these booties because they are more likely to actually stay on!

Rather than the yarn specified, I used Jaeger Baby Merino 4-ply yarn in Dream (SH 123). The color is SO dreamy! I love it! It's a sort of a pinky beige or a light sandstone. And it is soft soft. The perfect color for peachy baby skin.

I added a button to the top of the sweater and I altered the collar a bit so it wouldn't lap over the front facings. I also left off a row of edging on the bonnet because I love the look of the scalloped edge as is.

So it is ready to go and waiting for my little girl to arrive and wear it in her baby announcement photo. Can't wait to see her, and see her in this!
I looked everywhere online for a copy of this family circle mag. The only places it seem available were from weirdo download sites... Do you have an info about where I can find it? I'm 6 mos. pregnant and HAVE TO MAKE THIS!! It is so sweet. Thanks.
@Anonymous: Weirdo download sites might be the answer! (How weird though?) I have looked and haven't found copies online. Biut I haven't tried contacting Family Circle--you could try that. I also would think many libraries would scan and keep electronic copies of old periodicals. Maybe contacting your local library would be a good place to start! Why don't you send me an email anneliese[at]aestheticnest[dot]com and I'll see if I can think of anything else. Would be perfect for your new baby so I hope we can find one!
This is gorgeous! I just found the magazine on Ebay, so I will be making this set for my little girl I'm due with in November :-)
@craftymommajess: That is a real find! congratulations--mostly on the baby to be!
Thank you! I'm very excited about both the magazine (which is currently en route to me) and the baby...LOL! I really lucked out with the magazine...I thought it couldn't hurt to check Ebay and there it was! Only 1 available too :-) Thankfully, it was a "buy it now", so I didn't have a heart attack or go into labor waiting on the bid ;-)
I just love this sweater, but I'm not having any luck finding the magazine and therefore the pattern. Do you have any other ideas how I can ahold of the pattern or magazine? Please email me if you do fuzzy509@gmail.com. Thank you
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