Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sewing: Village Frock and Portrait Dress

The Village Frock dress was worn afterall! I dressed Audrey and Scarlett in their coordinating dresses for church today: Scarlett in her portrait dress and Audrey in her Village Frock. Since it snowed this weekend I thought it was ok not to dress springlike. These dresses look great together I think--and not too "matchy matchy."

Easier to get a picture when I say it's all about her new stuffed toy...


  1. Ah! I love love love this! Especially the one with the 4 buttons. You are so talented! Did you use a pattern? Maybe I should check the post again to read better. Love it!

  2. Such a beautiful dress. You found me on Flickr and I'm now following your blog!


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