So the next thing is how to prepare for this next little girl? There isn't a whole lot that is truly needed given her two older sisters' things, but we did get rid of the baby seat and stroller, and she does certainly deserve some of her own special things to welcome her.
The biggest question is the nursery. We happen to be lucky enough to have three "kids" bedrooms grouped nicely together upstairs, and it just seems logical to use them for our three girls. However, one bedroom is currently an office and moving the equipment, files, etc. seems onerous. Initally I was thinking two of our girls, perhaps the younger two?, could share a room, at least for a while. But as time has gone on I realize that my own ritual for welcoming my babies has been preparing their nursery spaces--deciding on the color palette, picking the fabrics, sewing the crib bedding, selecting accessories, thinking about paintings for the walls, even planning ahead for the "big girl" version of the nursery. There was the red, gold and acqua, slightly Asian approach for Audrey's room, and the pink, green and acqua slightly vintage approach for Scarlett's room and those rooms are now a bit more significant--doesn't seem right that a new individual should have Scarlett's hand-me-down crib bedding instead of her own scheme. Besides, Scarlett has been especially rough on her bedding--loves to mangle it.
So I think this baby girl should have her own unique space to arrive in. I am just not sure when we'll do it. We have a couple big events in the late Spring/early Summer and I am thinking I won't worry or discuss it too much until after then. But I can think about some smaller projects such as:
- a white version of the Best Baby Booties and Cloche (maybe with three flowers this time?) (DONE!)
- the "February Sweater" from Elizabeth Zimmerman (perhaps to coordinate with her older sister's Fall sweaters?)
- perhaps this Picot and Lace cardigan (looks so sweet and not too time consuming!) (DONE!)
- some more booties...
- some more little hats...
- some blankets, such as the Heirloom Chenille Blanket (DONE!), a flannel rag quilt blanket, and maybe a patchwork quilt blanket...
- crib bedding (if she doesn't have a nursery immediately she can at least have her own crib/bedding!)
- Audrey's birthday outfit (DONE!)
- Scarlett's outfit for Audrey's birthday party (DONE!)
- White and lavender crochet dress for Scarlett from the latest issue of CrochetToday (DONE!)
- Lavender crochet sweater for Audrey (DONE!)
- Dress for Audrey from Pink Fig's new"Miss Kitty" pattern (can't wait to get my preorder!) in Anna Maria Horner's beautiful voile; coordinating apron dress for Scarlett from a vintage pattern I just bought. And, if I can, coordinating shrug sweaters from Mason-Dixon Knitting.
- A line dress for Audrey and pinafore/bloomers for Scarlett in Robert Kaufman's fun "Punchy Pique," which I bought last year
- Sailor outfit for Audrey (full blouse and skirt) with anchor-embroidered fabric I bought a couple years ago and vintage pattern
- Crochet tank dress for Scarlett from Ella Apron Top pattern I just bought from anji..beane
- Pillow case dresses for fourth of July? (something simpler than last year) (DONE!)
- Button Placket ("Presto Chango") sweater Valerie Wallis for Scarlett (meant to make it for Audrey but didn't get to it)
- Upsized version of the "February Sweater" from Elizabeth Zimmerman (hoping to switch to a heavier yarn and see what size it turns out) and Debbie Bliss Matinee Coat from one of her baby books for the other (upsized with heavier yarn) in this great "Red Velvet" colored yarn I bought a few years go from KnitPicks

That ought to keep me busy! I won't even get into various nesting projects around the house but for instance, I haven't yet moved everything out of the garage and into the now finished basement...
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