Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas 2010: Details

We had a great Christmas with the girls! I love everything about Christmas, including wrapping presents. I've always loved wrapping gifts, in fact even had a job in highschool during the Christmas season wrapping gifts. I usually come up with some sort of theme and this year it was brown craft paper and burlap with different bows and bells and snowflake ornaments. I think a tree looks even more beautiful if the presents underneath are wrapped similarly, but I couldn't put mine out before Christmas Eve because wrapped gifts don't stay wrapped in our house very long! If you'd like to see some of the details, including our Christmas Day dessert and a few other things click below to read more.


I wish I could have found more of these red felt snowflakes--I love them! But I like the glitter ones too.

Scarlett helped me get the teacher gifts ready this year--some great hand lotion with a red satin bow and a snowflake ornament.

Audrey and I made cookies for Santa and left them out for him on a "You are special today" plate. I hope he felt special!

We had my family over for dinner Christmas Day and dessert was these mini buttermilk chocolate bundt cakes with butter frosting (lots of butter!). I LOVE these cakes. The rest of my family does too, which makes it fun to serve them. I think my brothers-in-law tied with my nephews for eating the most--two and a half cakes each. I've been serving them about ten years now and they have becomes a signature dessert of mine. You can find the recipe here.

Tess seemed to enjoy all the buzz, and her new knitted dog rattle (which I bought instead of made). She is wearing a sweater I made for Audrey--so fun to use this on all the girls. It fits her perfectly right now!

I managed to find time in the wrap up to finish a little Christmas trimming for myself--a my-sized Looped Scarflette in chartreuse! (pattern coming)

I hope you all had happy holidays filled with family, friends, good things to eat and some heartfelt gifts. As much as I love the holidays I also love the weeks that follow because it seems I have all the time in the world! I can't wait to settle into a few knitting projects...


  1. All of it is beautiful! It looks like baby Tess had a magical and blessed first Christmas.

  2. I love the red felt snowflakes. Did you make them or buy them and where if you bought.
    Do you think you could trace a pattern and post. I would love to use that idea next year.
    Thanks Paula

  3. Love your photos and your packaging. This is our first year to leave some gifts out before Christmas (our youngest is 6) and it certainly helped on Christmas Eve and gave us some more time!
    Definitely going to make those cakes too!

  4. I think that you make the most BEAUTIFUL things!!! I absolutely love your blog. I hope that your Christmas was blessed and that your New Year is as well.

  5. Thanks for the nice comments!
    @farmhousequilter8: The felt snowflake ornaments were from Target--3 for $1!! I bought all they had. I would think it likely they'll carry them or something like them next year we'll just have to shop early. I also use felt snowflakes on my Christmas tree. They would likely not be too hard to make but I can't imagine my cutting would look as precise as this laser cut felt--also on my treeskirt. (http://www.aestheticnest.com/2009/12/rooms-christmas-decorating-2009.html) I'm crazy about the stuff!

  6. I found the same snowflake design at Cracker Barrel yesterday in red with glitter and they were 70% off. I bought all they had. Thanks for sharing, I love your blog also. Hope you can find them in your area.


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