Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Personal: New Banner, New Title for a New Year

Since it's the start of a new year I thought I'd update my blog banner. It was fun to grab some of my more recent, favorite images, and you may notice I went with the "Tess palette," which is lavendar, linen/taupe, cream and coral. I love those colors together! It's a new era with her in the family so why not wear the colors?

It's a bit hard to say goodbye to the old banner, which was the image under which I made this blog public last spring, so I'll post it here in memoriam.

The 2010 banner included a shot of Scarlett's crib and Audrey's portrait. The 2011 version includes Scarlett's portrait, Tess's blanket, and the painting I did of the three little birds in a nest. It's fun to think of the next banner...maybe it will include a portrait of Tess and a picture of her nursery, assuming we finally create a room to house her crib. Hopefully there will be many new paintings and handmade things to choose from.

While I'm revealing the new banner I also want to review the new title. Not blog title (though there might be a few good arguments for that, including ease of spelling, but "Aesthetic Nest" still seems to encompass the wide ranging creative interests about which I post...!), but rather, personal title.

My maternity leave expired at the end of last year and I gave up my business title for the title of SAHM. It may not carry the same weight in the world that my hard-earned executive title did, and I'll miss a lot of things about the marketing position I held at McCann Erickson, but I am thrilled to have the opportunity to stay home full time. My three daughters are my absolute best creative work and I am so looking forward to being with them every day for the ordinary and the extraordinary. Much like job transitions of the past I am a bit anxious about my new gig, not about regretting it, but about doing it really well. I hope I can meet my, and my girls', expectations! Most of you would probably laugh if you heard my internal monologue about goals, standards and the balance of time! I just know I would regret it if I didn't give it a try, so please wish me luck!


  1. I love the new header! I just found your blog the other day and read through all the archives-you have a gorgeous taste in fabric and the clothes you make are stunning! not to mention those darling girls! I have two of my own and they are just so fun to sew for! Anyways, wanted to say thank you for your beautiful blog and good luck with everything!


  2. The new banner looks fantastic, such beautiful colours.
    My maternity leave finished last january and I took the decision not to return, but to become a sahm. I feel very lucky to have that choice with my third child, a choice I didn't have with my first two. I don't miss the work but do miss the adult conversation. I remind myself each day how lucky I am, before I know it they will all be grown up and I will have to go back to work!!
    Looking forward to following your blog throughout 2011 and gaining inspiration from your beautiful work.xx

  3. Hi. I have stayed home with all three of my children and two stepchildren. This I know. You will never, never, never regret this time at home with your kids. I was just thinking the other day about how much more financially we
    might have if I'd worked, but even now, knowing that, I would not have changed a thing! Enjoy your time home with those beautiful girls. They'll be teenagers before you know it. Yikes! Mona

  4. Congratulations on your transition. I would have guessed you were in advertising! I've been following your blog since June and am always impressed with your great style. I love your dedication to timeless handmade child dressing. Cheers to you. :)

  5. You are an inspiration to me to create real beauty everywhere in my home. Good luck in your endeavors as a SAHM; I know it's the best thing that's ever happened to me.

  6. The new banner looks fabulous! Congratulations to you on this new chapter in your life - you're going to love it. I think every woman in life struggles with the balance of time, but it's well worth it.

    So happy for you!! Can't wait to see what this year holds for you - let's talk soon about our spring vintage blog thing :-)


  7. HUGE wishes for luck!!!!
    May I ask you a question about how to do that - go off on maternity leave and then not return - gracefully? I take it that since you were 'on leave' you were employed during that time and gave notice once it expired... This is what I hope to do, but I have a lot of anxiety about how to do it without burning bridges. Thank you so much!

  8. Good luck and many blessings! I stay home with my three little ones and do a little editing on the side...in my former life :) I was a secondary teacher. Sometimes I do miss the professional feel of life then--you know, things like being showered and dressed before 6 am, and having high-level conversations about things I know I am good at! But I would never, ever trade this time with my children for anything. I'm grateful I get to be here with them. You're going to do great! Your blog has been an inspiration to me--and I don't know HOW you get to all these creative projects with three children, but I hope to figure that out at some point so I can squeeze some more creating into my life! :) All the best!

  9. Thanks so much for all the nice comments and wishes and support for the SAHM adventure. I do feel so blessed to be able to do this now. Am also curious to see how this new phase in my life unfolds.

  10. I was a nurse for 2 months when I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd child, a baby girl. She's 3 months old now, and my job has allowed me to work only every other weekend. This is great b/c I am able to stay home with my children during the week and never send them to daycare, but I'm still able to work part-time. I truly have the best of both worlds!

  11. The new banner is great! I have been hooked on this website since I learned I was having a girl. I love the beautiful things you make for your gorgeous girls! When they're older, they'll understand that this is how you show your love for them.

  12. Продается на рынке попугай за большие деньги. Подходит покупатель испрашивает продавца:- Почему так дорого продаешь?- Это очень необычный попугай. Если его дернуть за правую лапку, он заговорит по-английски, дернуть за левую - заговорит по-французски.- А что будет, если дернуть за обе сразу?Попугай:- Ты что, мужик, охуел?! Я же тогда на жопу упаду


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