Friday, June 17, 2011

Sewing: Scrap Your Stash Tutorial

Susan of Living with Punks invited me to participate in her "Scrap Your Stash" series this month. Stop by and see what I came up with. Though I love quilts I haven't worked with small pieces much lately so it was definitely a change of pace. Susan has rounded up some good ideas for getting rid of your small but gorgeous leftovers. Take a look.


  1. These are adorable! They just look so comfy. Great Idea. I might just have to give it a try.

  2. I will def be trying these for my grandkids and grandnephew (if not this summer then next!) As always, love your fabric choices and the creative flair you bring to all your projects. (Glad you had some 'down' time, too!) Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thanks so much for introducing me to "Living with Punks." Scraps are fun to create contrasting yokes and armbands for little dresses also. Isn't it fun to see you precious fabrics again?


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