Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sewing: Liberty of London Skirts

I have long loved Liberty of London fabric but this has to be the cutest print I've ever seen! It probably helps that it was the fabric used for a little dress Audrey received when she was a baby. As I mentioned in this post, I recently found some to buy and it's a key part of Tess' first birthday plans.

First up: little skirts for Tess and Scarlett to wear to the birthday party. Just simple gathered skirts, but very full, which is so beautiful with this lightweight cotton lawn. I was hoping to make a dress for Audrey out of this too but decided it makes more sense to save that project for next Spring, when she'll get more use out of it. And, well, as usual I've got a bunch of other things in the works so I have to prioritize.

I had some tiny crochet shell trim in mind, but couldn't find exactly what I was picturing (always happens), but I did find this cute flower trim at Joann. It's by Simplicity. I wasn't sure if I wanted to use the pink or the aqua so I decided on pink for Tess and Aqua for Scarlett. I love these simple skirts, but the best part is how they work with these t-shirts!

I bought these adorable shirts almost a year ago, shortly after Tess was born. They are from Pears and Bears and I can't imagine anything cuter. I am such a sucker for this retro, sentimental embroidery. These shirts were a major part of my inspiration for Tess's first birthday party. I'm having such fun with the concept!


  1. I LOVE Liberty fabric too, and I agree, this print is really adorable. Those shirts are too cute, I can't wait to see her party, I'm sure it's going to be fabulous. :)

  2. That is one of the loveliest liberty prints of all!! My mum made my sister and I liberty dresses years ago....not quite the same print but close...they just make you happy to look at them!!! With the shirts ....perfection!!! What fun you are having!!

  3. Did you order the shirts with the embroidery on them or did you do that yourself? So adorable. Looking forward to seeing the party.

  4. I ordered these shirts with the embroidery--so perfect! I had the idea to make a little dress for Tess and hand embroider it myself but then I checked the calendar, and remembered these shirts, and decided doing it myself would have to wait for another time!

  5. Que lindo!
    Parabéns pela criatividade!

  6. Precious fabric. Can't wait to see the finished skirts and outfit for the birthday girl. The shirts are a perfect match too.

  7. Dying. Those skirts with those shirts are too cute!

  8. That fabric is wonderful, and I love the shirts that you found to go with them.

  9. I love this!You have some fantatsic projects on your blog, I'd love for you to link some of them up to my blog link party this weekend, Hope you can make it and thank you!

  10. Hi! Just wanted to tell you that as the mother of three, stepmother of two, and the craftiest mom around, you blow me out of the water with your creativity! I think you are your daughters are just charming! My kids are all adults now, but I love to see all the awesome things you come up with. Thanks for the memories. Mona


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