A few weeks ago we snuck in one last summer trip: San Diego. It's turned into a bit of a tradition for us, if that's fair to say after four years. It was fun to take Tess to the beach for the first time and let Audrey play a bit before she headed to the serious commitment that is kindergarten.
We planned it a bit last-minute but with enough notice for me to set aside the more sensible projects I ad in the works (and a few hours of sleep time) and make three Apron Wrap Dresses instead. But what could be more fun?
I'd had this pink and green paisley fabric in my stash for about a year so this impulse sewing didn't even require a trip to the store. I think the fabric is a bit Lily Pulitzer, but it was actually a surprise find in the clearance section at Hancock Fabrics. (No info on the selvedge, sorry.) I remember the woman at the cutting table saying, "hmmm, what are you going to do with this?" I wasn't sure, but I think these dresses are perfect.
I first made this apron wrap dress for Scarlett in patchwork madras and loved it. It's so versatile and simple. When it comes to little girls I think simpler is better most of the time.

I wasn't sure about Tess-sized but I think it works! And I think it's equally adorable on Audrey and Scarlett.
Although, Tess didn't pay any attention to her new dress. She was more interested in eating sand!
I don't often dress my three girls identically (as opposed to similarly, or in coordinating fashion) but I liked the idea of doing these dresses matching. It's fun every once in a while.
Don't they look like they're having fun?
I'm working on the pattern for this and hope to share it soon in a range of sizes (UPDATE: it's here and in my Etsy Shop). It's easy enough to make in an afternoon, and reversible too, though I didn't have time to get a coordinating fabric to back these beach dresses. I was just happy to get them to the beach!
They were perfect for running and splashing around, but with suits underneath, Audrey and Scarlett were happier to ditch them...
...and head off to build sand castles.
it looks likely a beautiful day and a lovely trip-- your girls will be so happy to have these precious memories when they grow older, as will you! :)
These are great! I love the style and the fabric :) We love San Diego. What a beautiful city it is! So much to do that you don't want to leave...
Also, when did Tess get so big? What a cutie :)
I *love* the dress! I'd be thrilled if you could share the pattern so I could make one for my little miss. Looking forward to it! :)
I have some of that fabric in my stash too....I made a skirt of some of it...but the dresses are DARLING!!!
Your girls are so, so cute. Tess' snaggletooth smile is priceless! And I love her green bloomers. This makes we wish I had girls I could sew for. I'm in the process (a 2-year process nonetheless) of piecing log cabin quilts for my boys. Hopefully I'll be able to post about them soon.
As always, darling!
awww. how cute! I can't believe how big Tess is already! Wasn't she just born??
We love trips to the beach, too. My little ones both loved to eat sand - I just couldn't understand it!
Lovely dresses! Where were you in SD? We go occasionally and this looks like a perfect beach for little ones.
@Anonymous: This is Mission Beach. Fun, as are all beaches, but a bit "gritty."
Gor-gee-ous! Stunning as always. You're my inspiration to make unique and pretty clothes for my 2 little girls. LOVE your taste and simplicty.
Love the dresses! I grew up in San Diego and miss it every day. I will have to check Hancock Fabrics again. :)
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