Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sewing: No Sew Fleece Blankets

How do you like the irony in that title?

I know these no-sew fleece blankets abound, but I've never made one. Maybe it's because I have a hard time spotting fleece I love. Or because the fleece blankets we own are used mostly for outdoor activities, such as picnics, so the logo'd variety we've picked up over the years work just fine. I just haven't wanted to go there.

But these tied blankets seemed the perfect thing for some last minute gifts for my grandparents (I have been so lucky to have my mother's parents still living) so about a week before Christmas I went fleece shopping and found two pairs of prints I actually enjoyed looking at: a bright floral with a pink polka dot and a denim blue batik or sun-print-looking design with a red polka dot. Cheery enough! I was looking for something bright to warm their laps. 

I'm sure you know the drill on these: I cut out 4 inch squares from all four corners and then cut 1.5 inch wide and 4 inch long strips. I did all the cutting with the two pieces of fleece stacked wrong sides together. Then I tied all the strips together with square knots.

As quick as these projects were, as it turned out, winter colds kept me from delivering these blankets until after Christmas. I wish it had been sooner. Not sure I'll be making these again anytime soon. Maybe when one of our girls decides to start playing an outdoor sport.


  1. The blue batik and red polka dot is a great combination, lovely.

    You're so lucky to have your maternal grandparents, it must be wonderful and a joy for your children to have great-grandparents. I lost all of my grandparents by the time I was 8. I love the fact my husband still has his maternal grandparents and my son has 2 great grandparents (and he will meet them in about 4 months' time, we're going to travel from England to Australia for his first b'day... not looking forward to that flight!)

    I'm going to find a tutorial for this blanket, as a no sew project is exactly what I can do.

    Thanks for sharing, Christine

  2. I made one of those blankets several years back just because I wanted to give them a try. I almost thought it was more time consuming than sewing one because of all the cutting. My MIL made my husband one before we were married and it's actually a really great blanket to cuddle up with around the campfire. LOVE the red and blue combo. You're totally right.......it's hard to find pretty fleece, but you did :)

    Talk soon,

  3. I've never really been fond of the tie fleece blankets but I have to say, I really like the blue/red combination. Thanks for sharing.

  4. This is such a great idea, thank you for sharing!! I'm sure I'm gonna make one of these, unique, fast and so beautiful!!

  5. I picked up that same gray/pink/floral fleece at Joann! Isn't it so pretty?

  6. I'm still on the fence about these blankets. But your color combos are gorgeous and I may have been swayed. Have you seen this alternative for the tied edge?


    Im assuming it can be done with 2 layers. What do you think?

  7. My moms' club makes them for Project Linus (my kids love the two they were given by family friends, so I know other children* would as well). We can make each one in about 10 minutes with one or two people per side and a glass of wine within reach; but yes: If you're making one by yourself, it could take a little while and be less fun!

    *And I do agree this would make a very nice grandparent gift!

  8. I make no sew fleece blankets to throw over my baby's carseats because it's so cold here. I also made one to keep in the van as an "emergency blanket" or for when I can't go warm it up prior to loading up all the kids. Then I just throw the blanket over 3 carseats!
    I did just make one for my friend's daughter who is 3 yrs. old. I used pink bandana horse print for the top and red hankercheif pattern for the bottom. To personalize it I cut an "S" out of white fleece and sewed it on one side of fleece and embroidered flowers on the S... it added a lot to the country girl blankie. =)
    Love your print selection!

  9. Very nice! Perfect lap blanket for your grandparents (and yes, lucky you are!) One of my grandchildren has a fleece tied blanket and it's just the warmest little thing. I'm kind of with you on the actual making of one but what a great starter project for young crafters! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Thanks for posting this. I must be the only person who doesn't know how to make these based on your post. I love the color combination - it looks very patriotic to me.

  11. I love your blanket! Those are seriously the best blankets for snuggling up.
    I just added your blog to my favorite things Jan '12 list. Thanks for all you do to make this blog a great place to visit!

  12. I have a little red and white polka dot obsession going on, so love the patterns!



  13. We love no sew fleece blankets at our house! Thank you for posting the directions. It has been years since I have made these with my small group at church. We made baby blankets to donate to a hospital. My children and I are making a baby blanket for a very close friend. There are amazingly beautiful fleece fabrics at JoAnn's Fabrics.

  14. Thank you. I needed something to keep my hands busy today and this did the trick. I only used some scraps to make a blanket for my daughters doll, dolly approves. Now I want to get another scrap out and use the edging another commenter mentioned lol


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