Monday, July 9, 2012

Sewing: Mod Shift Dresses for Three

When I made this Mod Shift Dress for Vintage May a couple months ago I was actually hoping to make three of them. I had them all cut out and mostly sewn and ran out of time. Typical. But I did manage to get them all finished in time to take to the beach. So now there are three!

I really love this simple a-line shift. So classic. Reminds me of vintage Lily Pulitzer and Florence Eiseman among others. And I'm enjoying the bright, bold print. Not my typical and it's fun to be a bit more bold.

I also think it's fun to dress these three identically sometimes. I more often like to make things that are coordinated but I couldn't resist. (Maybe it's something about the beach because I did make these matching Apron Wrap Dresses for the beach last year!) Plus, it works for Tess, who wants to do everything just like her older sisters. "Too!" "Too!" she is always saying...

So, we had a great time at the beach, despite the mommy-mandated photos. Now it's back to swimming lessons, summer parties, and other projects.

I hope you are enjoying the summer!

If you are interested in making a similar dress I have a tutorial here which I used with this Ruffled Chemise for Girls pattern.


Annelies said...

Oh my....the girls are getting SO BIG!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the dresses. Your fabric selection is perfection.
I thought I saw the Del in the background and thought how wonderful you are in my hometown. But then again, I am not sure.
Have a lovely vacation. There is nothing as pleasant as children and the beach.

quiltinglady54 said...

Absolutely precious! Love your patterns. I just need a little girl since mine is all grown up!

Sharon said...

The Hotel Del as your backdrop is classic. Love your work!

kristin said...

Eep! So cute with all three in the same dress (my mom dressed my sisters and I the same on occasion, it always made for good photos). I love Tess' haircut, she's just a litlle doll.

klee1 said...

Your little girls are beautiful. They've grown so much. I've enjoyed watching them grow up through your blog. I have 3 little granddaughters about their age.

Love this little dress. I'll be ordering the pattern from your Etsy Shop.

BTW...still making those chenille blankets from your blog.

Thank you so much for sharing so much of yourself with us all.


Katie Lewis said...

These dresses are really sweet. :)

And this is totally random, but the beach town setting the pictures are taken in is really pretty. Where is it?

Kim@Snug Harbor said...

OMG - my mom used to do this with me and my 2 sisters. She would make us matching dresses, as well as one for herself. What a memory! Thanks. Your dresses and your girls are adorable.

Emily said...

Love the dresses! Hope you're enjoying my hometown. :)

Unknown said...

SO adorable! I saw something similar in the mini-boden catalog and I thought they were absolutely precious, but certainly much better on the wallet to create your own. Classy, that's for sure.....just like everything you do :).

Meredith said...

Those girls are so gorgeous and the dresses are just perfect. Looks like a fantastic beach.

Giliell said...

Gorgeous. And come autumn they can just wear them with a long-sleed T and jeans underneath.

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