Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sewing: Double Breasted Easter Dress for Audrey

I gave you a peek of this dress in the giveaway post earlier this week. Nothing says Easter like blue velvet, right? The thing is, it's not quite full-blown Spring around here at Easter time. It's often chilly. And, before the grass has greened and the bulbs are blooming I can't get enough color--this fabric is about as saturated as it gets. But most importantly, this fabric (Anna Maria Horner LouLouThi Velveteen Coreopsis Marine) is gorgeous! I had to use it for a dress for Audrey.

I think it was the right decision. Easter Sunday the blue velvets stood out like hyacinths in a snow of pastel dresses.

The design for this dress was inspired by the Christmas dress I made Scarlett a couple years ago. But I knew Audrey wouldn't like the gored skirt. She is more tailored. So I found a pattern with inverted pleats, changed it from a back zip to a front double-breasted, drafted the new collar (love this peterpan front and sailor back!), added some length, piping, and (count them) eighteen velvet covered buttons. (Which by the way, are working better now that I'm using this tool--the shanks on the buttons are so much better than the ones I was buying in fabric stores.)

It was a bit much for my short deadline but I am happy it happened. Can't wait to share photos of the girls wearing their dresses, but I don't have the photos yet....
Wondering about making a pattern for this. That always seems to be the question...
Hope you are having a good week.


scribblearts said...

Oh, that is breathtakingly gorgeous! My Audrey--17 years old--says she would wear it in a heartbeat.

Cheryl Higa said...

Just stunning.

Emily said...

Wow! What a beautiful and lush dress. I would totally wear it too! :)

Jennifer said...

Adore this one -- as always, the crafts(wo)manship is impeccable! Can't wait to see it, and the rest of the Easter ensembles, on your models.

Meredith said...

WOW! Just perfect.

Jayne said...

So beautiful!! This dress is really stunning :)

Charity said...

That is gorgeous! I would love to wear something like it. Love the inverted pleats with the double-breasted front

Anonymous said...

absolutely gorgeous!! Showing my ignorance but what sort of print would you call this? basically the colors are all various shades of the same color but incorporating a print. I am absolutely loving it. and it is appropriate for any/all ages and styles. You really hit a homerun with this.

Beckyjopdx said...

You never cease to amaze. I've been pining for velveteen because of you...and being in the Pacific NW, it would be perfect for us too! Brrr! Seriously, beautiful.

AMCutler said...

This is exactly the pattern I am looking for! But it's not a pattern :-( I wish I could make one up like you! Gorgeous!

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