Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sewing: Winnie Shrug in Shearling

I'm busy busy getting ready and enjoying time with family this Christmas season. But I wanted to pop in and say hello.

We've had snow upon snow, which is welcome this time of year. Makes me want to stay home and turn up the carols. Hopefully I won't have to venture out again after one last quick(?) trip tomorrow morning. Then I can stay home with the girls, hopefully bake another batch of cookies, and finish the projects I'm sewing this year.

My list of presents to make is a bit ambitious given the timeframe but I'm doing my best. Which for me this year also means choosing the more important things, such as time with family and friends. I had to shelve the Christmas dresses (drat! scrapped them altogether last year...) until immediately following Christmas. It will be OK. They'll work in January. But I did finish this little shrug for Audrey. She was so excited about it because it's cozy! It's a Winnie Shrug--a pattern I've got in the works (Update: now available here!) based on the original boiled wool version I sewed for Tess during Katy's Once Upon a Thread a couple years ago. I also made one for Scarlett a few weeks ago during the Winter Wonderland tour. Hopefully this will be one of the things I finish up at the start of the New Year. Can't believe it's almost here! We'll see what gets done...

Best wishes to you in your hustle and bustle for the holidays.


  1. Gorgeous! And lovely photos too.

  2. Niech Dobry Bóg Cię błogosławi i strzeże.
    Niech pokój Dzieciątka Jezus spocznie na Tobie.
    Niech Twoje drogi będą proste, a decyzje mądre.

    Niech ominą Cię choroby, lęk i smutek.
    Niech zło nie ma do Ciebie dostępu.

    Niech Twoja twarz będzie radością dla innych.
    Niech Twoje serce będzie otwarte na potrzebujących.
    Niech wszystko co dobrego zrobisz, wróci do Ciebie stukrotnie.

    Niech w Twoim życiu dzieją się dobre rzeczy!


  3. I love the pockets on that dress! Did you design them? And do you have another photo of them somewhere? I would love to add them to a bateau neck dress.Thanks!


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