Monday, March 3, 2014

Sewing: Photo Floral Bateau Neck Top

Last year sometime I was searching for a fabric with photo realistic reproductions of flowers, which is not easy to do. Hard to get the search terms right! I am sure there are many fabrics out there that would have fit the bill, but they aren't described in a way I could find them.... But in this Etsy shop I found this amazing looking knit! It wasn't exactly what I was looking for (and it's polyester!), but I fell for it. And promptly ordered it!

And then I needed to decide what to do with it! I think it would look fantastic in a dress for one of my girls--or myself! But I decided to start out with a simple Bateau Neck Top for this little girl.

It's so not simple, right? The top pattern is--but this fabric gives it such drama! Beauty and spunk. Kind of like her!

I had forgotten how quick it is to sew up a Bateau Neck Top. Such a big payoff in a short evening! And even better--I have fabric left. What do do next...?

(Oh, and speaking of Bateau Neck Tops, did you see the darling one Jess just sewed and shared? Check it out here on CINO. I love it!


  1. That's so cute! I think the leftovers would work great as a cowl, especially since you're such a fan of them. It's still chilly but with the slow arrival of spring I think we're all itching to see some flowers and be reminded that warmer weather will eventually show up.


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