Saturday, August 9, 2014

Sewing: Elephant Lulu Beach Dress

In my spurt of casual sewing I purchased this darling Rebekah Ginda "Frolic" fabric and Audrey commented that she liked it. "Great!" I thought. "I'll make her a simple t-shirt."

So I whipped out a little cap sleeve t with the Lulu Dress pattern from CINO. I just lengthen the bodice and skipped the binding. Simple simple. But I guess not. Audrey wouldn't even put it on. "I said I liked the fabric. Not that I wanted something out of it." Oh. I guess it does look a little young for her.

Lucky thing: Tess loves elephants! So I put three inverted pleats along the front neckline and one in the back and voila! Tess has a new dress.

Perfect for the beach.


  1. love it so much! and one of the perks of having 3 girls, right? SOMEONE will usually wear it. lol!

  2. Ha! Kids are funny. I was making a tutu for my niece and she said,"No, it has to be a dress!!!" Mmm, ok. Got my marching orders.


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