Tuesday, March 24, 2015

FYI: I'm in the New Fat Quarters Book (Giveaway)

Hi Friends. It was a very happy mail day when this book arrived in my box. Fat Quarters: Small Fabrics, More Than 50 Big Ideas is a fantastic book, which lives up to it's title. There are so many great project ideas in here! And I'm giving one away so be sure to scroll down and enter.

Not only was I thrilled to have a copy of this book for my own sewing scheming, but it's the second book to which I've contributed a project! It's so exciting to see my work in print. I have two projects in the Babies & Kids section: My Child's Fat Quarter Reversible Apron

And a little baby dress made entirely of fat quarters.

I had so much fun developing these projects (over a year ago) and I hope others will enjoy sewing them too.

This sweet dress has a vintage vibe, which I love for babies, but it could be modern colorblock too. 

The apron lends itself to all sorts of creative possibilites, especially given the pom pom trim. I love giving these as birthday gifts.

And just wait until you see all the other projects! This book will spur a whole new fat quarter binge.

Would you like a copy of Fat Quarters: Small Fabrics, More Than 50 Big Ideas for your very own? You can enter in the widget below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Carol said...

I probably own more than 100 fat quarters! I've made the aprons for great nieces! I'd love the book for the rest of the patterns.

ipatchandquilt said...

More than 100, I think!
Love them!
I am completely in love with this book idea! I would love to own the book!
esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I'm new to sewing so I don't have any fat quarter. That's why I would love to win this book.

cali said...

That is some gorgeous fabric on that apron

Crystal K. said...

I have more than I can count.

Crystal K. said...

I have more than I can count.

candacek said...

I definitely have over 100. I'm slightly addicted to FQ bundles.

Emily said...

So cute- especially that little dress! I own however many come in a stack that I won a few years ago. :)

Heidi [Banks of Frog Creek] said...

A lot!!

Kristy said...

Too many to count! Love your sweet contributions to the book! Would love to add this to my sewing library, thanks for the chance!

Kim@Snug Harbor said...

Not many - this is a good way to get me off and running.

Congrats on such a thrill!

OhioLori said...

Your projects are cool! & the whole Book looks Awesome!! Thanks for chance to win!

No clue how many fat Quarters I have lol...Many Many for sure..I loooove them! & if I see one I like..HAS to come Home with me! giggle..

Vicki H said...

I would guess about 35-40.

Lesley said...

75 would be a conservative estimate

SewLuxeSew said...

15-20 maybe a conservative guess :) they do seem to be just the right size for so many projects.

Van said...

I starting my selection so none yet but I have 10-15 different fabrics.

Mokki said...

About 30 I reckon.

Seaweed and Raine said...

I'm still trying not to hyperventilate from reading your post! I think I have somewhere between 40 and 60 fat quarters at present - some of them are so precious, I haven't yet been able to do anything but play with them! Congratulations on featuring in the book. :)

Katy M said...

Only about 4 - I tend to use them straightaway apart from the ones I can't bear to cut!

OurKookyLife said...

about 20 fat quarters, thanks for the giveaway

Carla S said...

I have twenty something fat quarters that I collected.

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

More than 100, for sure, and I struggle with what to do with them, so this book is awesome!

Laura Ferdal said...

I am new to the world of quilting and own about 20 FQs.

Thanks for the giveaway - looks like an amazing book!


Anonymous said...

Not too many (maybe 30?), but I do have A LOT of yardage I could use up! I do have a beautiful FQ bundle from Cloud 9 I'm waiting for just the right project to use it on! Thanks! Sarah: crjandsbj(at)netzero(dot)com

Jen Barnard said...

Whole fat quarters, maybe 15. Party used, probably about 35 - 40.
jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

amy said...

Hmmm, I think maybe about 60 fat quarters! Have at least 4 different collections of fat quarters, guess I need this book so I can get busy using them! Thanks for the giveaway and congratulations on being featured in the book~

Adele said...

I've not too many fat quarters at the moment but would like the opportunity to get more. Especially as I'm soon to become a grandmother for the first time and am busy making things for the new arrival.

Unknown said...

I have 8 fat quarters because I am just starting

rads said...

a 100 probably

Debbie said...

About 50 I think!

Project Run & Play said...

I'm going to guess around 30.

HeatherK @ A Reformed Heath'n said...

I have 2 small bins filled, and a good 6 inches piled on top of those =) I love the variety I can get this way ...

claire ross said...

I am new to sewing so only own maybe a dozen fat quarters. I have bought some larger fabric pieces for dressmaking x

Little Quail said...

I have oodles of fat quarters and am in desperate need of new idea's. This book couldn't come at a better time.

Marite said...

I just started sewing and this book idea sounds really fun!!!

Debbie said...

I have too many, maybe a 100. I collect them. There are worse things to collect. Thanks for a great giveaway. The book looks great. (debbie at wowilikethat dot com)

Anonymous said...

I don't own any fat quarters...but have way too many yards of fabric!! I am sure I could make many of these and not make a dent in my stash. :>) MS

Mary Sue said...

oops...I didn't identify myself....

Kathy E. said...

I own about a dozen fat quarters. I am usually drawn to the yardage of fabrics I love, although if I need just a small amount I will shop the fat quarters. I could use this book to use up some stash!

Tracy said...

At least 50, if not more!

Thank you for the opportunity!

Liberata said...

I own 100-plus fat quarters, at least. The book looks really nice and useful!

Stacey... From-a-Box said...

not too many because i usually supersize to a 1/2 yard :)

cllcraft said...

I have a bin full of fat quarters. This book would be great to use up some of my stash!

Anonymous said...

I'm kinda new to all of this and I only have 7 full fat quarters waiting for the next project. I am trying to behave because each time I go to the shop, I would really like to buy about 10 of them... I will probably be over 100 sooner than I think.


Her Indoors said...

I have about 15. I guess I need this book to inspire me to buy more!

AliceKiss said...

Очень хочется)

Unknown said...

I have about 35 & love working on smaller projects!

Sarah said...

Probably not quite 100. sarah@forrussia.org

Amanda said...

Just a few. I usually buy yardage because I mostly sew clothing... but fat quarters sure are tempting!! :)

Framma said...

I probably have 20-30 fat quarters at this time. Would love to have this book! Thanks for the opportunity to win. Love your blog!

Lori said...

what a wonderful book. Fat quarters? Ummm none right now. I just have a lot of different sized scraps. So this would be fun and new for me. thanks for a chance

Eleanor said...

Could not even begin to guess at the number of fats I own!

Unknown said...

I have a large amount of fat quarters as I initially purchased this cut when I began learning to sew, now i prefer to buy bigger pieces but I'd love to use some of the beautiful pieces I have in fat quarter projects.

Unknown said...

I have a large amount of fat quarters as I initially purchased this cut when I began learning to sew, now i prefer to buy bigger pieces but I'd love to use some of the beautiful pieces I have in fat quarter projects.

SuzOH said...

I don't have any fat quarters yet, but this book would be a reason to invest in some :-)

Kristin said...

I don't yet have a fat quarter stash, but this lovely book may change that ;-)

Kelly O. said...

I have about 30 which is pretty good considering I regularly try to sew from my stash these days so my numbers are beginning to dwindle ==so I can buy more ;)

Emily C said...

I have hundreds of fat quarters. I love their size and they are great for small projects. That they are fairly inexpensive is a bonus.

Margo said...

I love the new book! I especially love that it has projects for little ones! I have a whole bunch of fat quarters that would look wonderful! Thanks for the chance to win!

Ellee said...

What an inspirational book! I'd definitely put it to good use. There's about 20 fat quarters in my stash to get me started. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

Carmen N said...

I probably only have 20-30 FQs; I still consider myself a beginner and haven't built up much of a stash yet.

Lindsay said...

I have maybe 20-30 fat quarters. They are fun to use for small projects!

Celeste said...

Looks fun. I only have a few real fat quarters, but lots of scraps about that size.

toplesshotdog said...

More than I want to admit!!!! teatly at gmail dot comm

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